Introducing Project Manager, Ian Jackson-Smith

Introducing Ian Jackson-Smith, one of our wonderful Project Managers here at MBB Consulting.
Ian is a qualified engineer and experienced construction professional with extensive experience both as a Project Engineer and Project Manager across major transport infrastructure projects in both the public and private sectors. He has a proven on-site track record of delivering civil, structures and utilities scopes on both greenfields and brownfields projects across Victoria.
He is currently engaged at the Department of Transport in the Hume Region, working in the Scoping and Development team getting various rural intersections shovel ready and helping the team with the pipeline of works for the region.
Ian joined MBB Consulting in 2018, and provided significant contributions to both our public and private sector clients in development and delivery. Prior to MBB, Ian’s background was contractor based, working in precontracts and delivery roles in both Melbourne and London.

Ian Jackson-Smith keep up the great work!
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