Citylink - Tulla Widening
Design & Construction Contract for the upgrade of the Tullamarine Freeway

Project Overview
We oversaw the design and construction for the upgrade of the Tullamarine Freeway, to provide an additional lane on each carriageway between Bulla Road and Melbourne Airport.
Our responsibilities included the reconstruction of the English Street Bridge, two pedestrian overpasses, provision of a new collector-distributor bridge over Mickleham Road connecting southbound traffic on the Tullamarine Freeway directly to the M80 Ring Road.
The project also included the provision of the civil works associated with a freeway management system which will include a lane use management system, variable speed signs, freeway ramp signals, freeway data stations, closed-circuit television camera and variable message signs, both along the Tullamarine Freeway and an inbound section on the Calder Freeway.
Project Scope
Initially, our responsibilities included providing procurement, value engineering and design management services. This later grew to include more field-based engineering. We managed the asphalt delivery contract with Downer and provided significant engineering support for the Bella interchange and Mickleham Road Bridge.