Suburban Rail Loop
Changing the way people move around Melbourne and improving the livability of key growth areas

The future of sustainable transportation in Victoria
Project Overview
The Suburban Rail Loop is the largest transport project across the state. SLR will be a carbon neutral network powered by 100% renewables and part of Victoria's state-government-led Big Build.
SRL will provide a much-needed link to existing train lines, improving access to regional rail and communities across the state. The SRL will start at the Frankston line and run all the way through to Werribee.
Melbourne Airport regional rail stations will be linked, allowing people an easier commute and connection to health, shopping, education, jobs and businesses across outer Melbourne and Victoria. Sustainable from design through to delivery, the project includes tree plantations and vibrancy around stations.
Project Scope
In early 2020, MBB were engaged by SRLA to represent their interests in the interface of the SRLA Projectswith third-party utility authorities. MBB's role in this capacity involvednegotiating and agreeing to commercial agreements with the authorities,establishing and agreeing to the scope of utility works, and managing thedevelopment of technical solutions that satisfied the regulatory requirementsof those authorities.
Throughout the course of the project, MBB provided invaluable advice and clarity on the regulated and unregulated market environment and scope. Their expertise ultimately allowed for a reset of the approach to the market, which resulted in a wider range of options for supply to be assessed, delivering value and innovation that would not have otherwise been achievable.
MBB continues to be engaged by SRLA to advise on its procurement of regulated and unregulated bulk intake power supply works and associated interfaces. MBB's team of experts provides regulatory, commercial, and engineering advice, as well as project engineering and management services. In particular, MBB's team undertakes the following crucial responsibilities:
· Management of the execution of agreements with all interfacing utility authorities: This enables the development of technical solutions to manage the SRLA Projects interface with the utility authorities, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.
· Establishing and agreeing utility scopes of work: MBB works closely with SRLA internal stakeholders and utility authorities to ensure that the utility scopes of work meet the SRLA project requirements.
· Production and delivery of technical documentation and specifications: MBB is responsible for creating technical documentation and specifications that meet the utility authority requirements to a level required for construction.
· Bulk Power Supply Points: MBB manages the development and delivery of technical documentation and specifications required to procure a contract for the delivery of construction power for the project.
Our efforts to date have enabled SRLA to navigate the complex interface of their project with third-party utility authorities smoothly and efficiently. Our expertise in regulatory, commercial, and engineering matters have proven invaluable, and continue to be an essential partner in SRLA's procurement of bulk intake power supply works and associated interfaces.